PRIOR NOTICE E-P.1-Notice Of Proposed Project To Be Located In (Or That Will Impact On) A Floodplain Or Wetlands Date of Publication: October 19, 2019 The Town of Pima is proposing to conduct a road maintenance project to be funded with Community Development Block Grant funds received through the Arizona Department of Housing (ADOH) The Town has determined that this proposed project scope includes areas identified as being within a floodplain/wetlands and thus is publishing this notice in compliance with Executive Orders 11988 or 11990 and the Floodplain Management Wetlands Protection Guidelines adopted by the Water Resources Council. This proposed project is located along portions of N 300 W, N 200 W,N 100 W,Main Street,S 100 E, W 100S, W and E 200 S, and E 300 S in the original Pima Townsite area and, will consist of seven (7) miles of crack sealing and chip-sealing of existing paved roads, and will involve 100 acres of floodplain. The Town of Pima has additional information available on this project, which can be reviewed at 110W. Center Street, Pima AZ 85543, which is handicapped accessible or persons with special accessibility needs may contact Teresa Bigler at 928-485-2611. Interested persons can also cll Tavia Raley, Administrative Assistant at 928-485-2611 for additional information about this proposed project. The Town of Pima is now considering potential alternative sites, potential flood impact on the proposed project, and potential mitigation to minimize flood hazard or wetlands impact. Written comments on this proposed project are invited and should be submitted by Monday, November 4,2019 to Tavia Raley, Town of Pima, 110W. Center Street, Pima AZ 85543. All such comments will be taken into account by the Town of Pima prior to its decision on the proposed project. Name and Address of Local Government or ADOH Certifying Officer Tavia Raley, Town of Pima 110W. Center Street, Pima AZ 85543 Signature of Certifying Officer PRIOR NOTICE E-P.1-Notice Of Proposed Project To Be Located In (Or That Will Impact On) A Floodplain Or Wetlands Date of Publication: October 19, 2019 The Town of Pima is proposing to conduct a road maintenance project to be funded with Community Development Block Grant funds received through the Arizona Department of Housing (ADOH) The Town has determined that this proposed project scope includes areas identified as being within a floodplain/wetlands and thus is publishing this notice in compliance with Executive Orders 11988 or 11990 and the Floodplain Management Wetlands Protection Guidelines adopted by the Water Resources Council. This proposed project is located along portions of N 300 W, N 200 W,N 100 W,Main Street,S 100 E, W 100S, W and E 200 S, and E 300 S in the original Pima Townsite area and, will consist of seven (7) miles of crack sealing and chip-sealing of existing paved roads, and will involve 100 acres of floodplain. The Town of Pima has additional information available on this project, which can be reviewed at 110W. Center Street, Pima AZ 85543, which is handicapped accessible or persons with special accessibility needs may contact Teresa Bigler at 928-485-2611. Interested persons can also cll Tavia Raley, Administrative Assistant at 928-485-2611 for additional information about this proposed project. The Town of Pima is now considering potential alternative sites, potential flood impact on the proposed project, and potential mitigation to minimize flood hazard or wetlands impact. Written comments on this proposed project are invited and should be submitted by Monday, November 4,2019 to Tavia Raley, Town of Pima, 110W. Center Street, Pima AZ 85543. All such comments will be taken into account by the Town of Pima prior to its decision on the proposed project. Name and Address of Local Government or ADOH Certifying Officer Tavia Raley, Town of Pima 110W. Center Street, Pima AZ 85543 Signature of Certifying Officer