THATCHER JOB POSTING Town Manager, Thatcher, AZ (Population 5,027). Salary range: $90k-$120k annually DOQ; plus benefits package for employee and dependents. Council-Manager Form; Manager reports to Mayor & six-member council. $17M annual budget; 34 full time employees. Friendly, stable community in SE Arizona; major industries are agriculture and mining; home of Eastern Arizona College. Full-service town includina police and fire utilities, golf course, parks & recreation. Seeks individual with excellent communication skills and approachable management style. Requires four-year degree and minimum 5 years municipal management experience; strength in budget & finance, planning, economic development, employee and community relations, project management. https://thatcher. az.govl Closing date: July 5, 2018. Send cover letter & résumé toMichelle Mortensen, PO Box 670, Thatcher, AZ 85552. EOE. 00S